Alain Marc Suel

12159 E. Alaska Ave, Aurora CO 80012

(720) 434-0579

view portfolio + examples at:

download resume:


I am very interested in demonstrating my skills in graphic & web design.
As you will see on my resume, I have a wide variety of skills ranging from web/flash - video/music production, advertising & promotion, and photography.


o 8 years of graphic design experience.
o 5 years of freelance experience.
o Advertising agency experience at Amherst Reeves.
o Has the ability to develop a web site from start to finish, incorporating flash, java and css scripts and animations.
o Possesses the latest software knowledge and techniques in design.
o Technological knowledge in computers & hardware, diagnosis & problem solving. Setting up and maintaining websites. Has facilitated domain name registrations, DNS setup.
o Initiated new business contacts through many promotional projects, such as animated E-cards, presentations and more.
o Produced photography for websites & online catalogues.


o Web Development & Design, HTML, Flash, CSS scripts, Java
o Multimedia Animation, 
o Photography, photo-manipulation/correction, clean-up and web preparation.
o Audio Production & implementation
o Graphic Design & Art
o 3D design
o Software knowledge includes: FrontPage, Flash MX, Dreamweaver, Corel Painter, Photoshop, Illustrator, Bryce 3D and the latest audio-production tools.

o Personal: -Fluent French & English oral & written, -Produced & recorded a full-length music album. -Volunteered to create a website for (Denver sexual assault interagency council) -Loves art, music and photography.


Freelance Graphic Design Freelance, Denver 1998-2006
* Freelance design for a broad range of clients. This included creating Logo's, Web sites, Letterheads, Automotive Promotion, CD-covers, Promotional Flyers, T-shirts, Business cards, Menu's and more.

Graphic & Web design and development Amherst Reeves, Denver 1999-2001
* Developed web sites, E-cards, E-presentations, New Business web sites, supporting site animations, designed then produced site graphics and photography.
* Produced full-length animated broadcast television commercials, including all audio and visual scenes.
* Company technical support - in charge of setting up computers, installing software and local area network maintenance.
* Designed logo's, business cards and more.

Assistant Manager Paris Bakery, Denver 2003-2005
* Helped manage bakery, did morning baking + production, made cinnamon rolls, deliveries and all graphics & advertising.

I would love to show you my professional portfolio in person. Thanks!
(Personal portfolio at